


Forebearers is a story-driven, dark fantasy RPG with turn-based combat and exploration elements.

Gameplay Focus

Delivering story through zone exploration, scripted story events/beats, turn-based combat built on a foundation of team and character builds that can change the flow of combat and allow for unique strategies to be employed by players.


3D, third-person, floating camera, dark aesthetic and color palette, realistic lighting, with rough and rugged environments and characters.

Combat System

Characters start combat with one ultimate point and 1/3 skill points available. Each time an allied character performs a basic attack or an ultimate ability, they are given a skill point.

TBC combat flow.png

Characters have certain actions that they can perform during a turn, as described above in the combat flow diagram.

To summarize, players can perform the following actions during turns:

When a player performs their turn, this is the order in which the turn is executed

Turn execution.png